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  • Writer's pictureThe Ginger Womble

Sex & The Womble Part 3

ANNND it always comes back to sex doesn’t it ladies & gents. Every 7 seconds someone thinks about sex?? I’ll be honest I think it’s more like every 5 seconds for me so I must have a high sex drive, although that hasn’t always the case. I guess I crave good sex (which if you’ve read my stuff before you know its few & far between).

I’ve tried all different types of sex- love making, passionate, submissive, dominant, outdoors, threesomes, same gender. I’m sure there are some others but they are the main ones that spring to mind for me. I wouldn’t say I’m naturally drawn to any in particular as they have all made me who I am.

I guess what we are all looking for in this world is compatible sex, someone who moves and is willing to experience with you and grow. A lot of guys tend to think they already know everything there is to know about sex/pleasing a woman, when in reality they haven’t even scratched the surface.

Being reactive with your sexual partner is massively important, its not all about sex satisfaction its about becoming connected on a different level of pleasure. I tend to find most people skip foreplay (maybe because they can’t wait or they just can’t be arsed) which I feel is one of the most intense ways to start. It’s probably one of the most important parts of the experience together as a whole but always seems to get over looked. This is the time where I feel you learn most about your partner because (normally) its one pleasuring the other rather than both at the same time. At the end of the day it’s an insight into what’s to come and a build up to the overall ending we are all searching for.

Very recently I rediscovered foreplay and my goodness has it developed. When with the right partner it is the most intense feelings pulsing through your body. Every movement, every breath, every stroke, caress and thoughts are caught up in that moment (when its done properly). I’ve always struggled to orgasm through foreplay, I guess because I know what I like I don’t tend to give it much thought but my god have I been missing out :-D.

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