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  • Writer's pictureThe Ginger Womble

Positive Mental Attitude & The Womble

So it would appear my life has taken a turn for the better although its not all roses and rainbows but it’s the best place I’ve been in for a long time.

The reason? I have to be honest it has a lot to do with the person who is currently in my life.

I’ve always been a believer in team work and support but this has opened my eyes to how it should be.

Praise, support, encouragement and above all else someone to tackle these challenges together with. Having someone support you is one of the greatest gifts you can share with others as it enables people to build trust and also have someone to channel thoughts to become changes and plans.

I’ve always based my success on my own actions but a lot of it has to do with positive mental attitude when faced with difficult situations and trying to find the silver lining in everything rather than focusing on the negatives which I have done for so long, to be 100% honest with you its been a hard habit to break.

Allowing someone to be part of your success is such a powerful action which so many people back away from for all of the wrong reasons. I have to admit I have been one of those people because I thought sharing the success meant sacrificing some of the results however this belief system is currently undergoing major works. By working on this theory, I have been able to see the benefits of sharing success by allowing someone to help me not just helped me change my mindset it has given me the drive to become the person I’ve always known deep down I was meant to be.

If any of you know me personally you will know my love for singing died a while back, this was a result of never feeling good enough and not wanting to receive criticism of something that genuinely is my heart and soul in voice. I’ve always been very shy when it comes to singing because it’s so personal to me and I can only sing when I’m happy (which up until recently I wasn’t).

Much to my surprise I’ve found myself singing more often – alone, around the house and with this person in presence. Recently I decided to share this part of myself with them and to my surprise they had nothing but praise and support for what they have described as a “hidden talent”. I feel as though I’ve been doubting myself for too long or I’ve just not found the right person to revel the real me to before.

I can honestly say it is one of the most amazing feelings to receive true appreciation for something I honestly and truly love and it makes me want to do it more.

Travel is another thing that has always been on my mind but like so many of us trying to build a life like the ones who have gone before us, I have always labelled it as a pipe dream. Until one day I saw the world through a different set of eyes. Many things have led up to this moment I really didn’t see coming. My need to explore has become so strong I don’t think I can ignore it for any longer.

I, like so many others in this world have been programmed to go to work, get married and settle down just like every ideal family film when the reality is, this isn’t always the best option for everyone.

I had become so blinded by this expectation that I lost a very large piece of myself to my past (6-year relationship) but now I have seen the opportunities out there I would be being untrue to my little explorer who lives in my mind.

So, its time to embrace change and live life the best you can without fear of failure.

Failure is –

· Experience

· Knowledge

· Resilience

· Growth

· Value

Remember if you’ve never failed you have never tried something new

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