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  • Writer's pictureThe Ginger Womble

Body Image & The Womble Part 3

Everyday I wake up and it hits me- am I good enough?

I know it might sound drastic for this to be one of my first thoughts but unfortunately its true. From the way I wear my hair to the way my body looks in clothes. I suppose if we strip it all back, we would find just how insecure I am.

I’m sure some of you are thinking “why you look great” and as much as I’m sure that is true, trying to convince a brain that has been programmed to believe you will never look like all of the girls on social media is a completely different ball game.

I’ve been fat and I’ve been thin and to be perfectly honest neither has made me feel any different, I will always be striving for the filtered, Photoshop bodies that are everywhere we look.

But are they happy? Do they think the same things we do every day? Honestly, I have no idea but I will make it my challenge to find out.

I believe a lot of my insecurity’s stem from members of the opposite sex. Being made to feel like you’re not good enough or that someone is better looking that me. Whilst both of those things could be correct, I don’t think its fair to make someone feel this way.

I’m not saying that once you are dating someone you shouldn’t be able to appreciate how someone looks because I can assure you this is not the case but its all about how you action those thoughts. Making contact, liking, commenting and hiding things from others is when the real questions begin.

I do wish men could see the impact these moves make on a women’s mind, body and view on herself. It might be an entirely innocent like or follow but it can have an impact on how others might feel. Is she better than me? What does she have that I don’t? is this what he really likes or is it all in my head?

I can assure you women do think like this as I’m sure men do too, but we are just too afraid to speak out minds in fear of being made to feel crazy.

I’m not naive to think that any of these words will make a difference but if it manages to express how a beautiful women feels about herself and the way in which the world perceives her then all I can say is “ what a success”, however I’m sure this will fall on deaf ears.

Giving someone the power to make you feel inadequate is something we will all do during our lives but it’s the way you deal with it that can either make or break your body image views.

So, in summery its not important how many likes you get on that selfie, how many followers you have on insta or how it makes you feel when you see the guy you like follow other women on social media, its about how you view yourself.

You ARE beautiful and you deserve to know that.

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